Stavromana River

The small river which is also called the stream of Stavromana originates from the area of Agia Foteini and ends in the lake Potamon. On its banks, along the entire length of the river, there is rich and dense vegetation.

Mount Samitos

It stands on the western edges of the Amario valley with an altitude of 1,013 meters. To the south of the mountain is Mount Kentros, of which Samitos is a natural extension, while to the east rises Mount Idi or Psiloritis. It is generally characterized by low...

Μνημειακή Ελιά Γέννας

Βρίσκεται στη θέση Καρδαμιανά βορειοανατολικά από το χωριό Γέννα και ανήκει στην ποικιλία θρουμπολιά, εμβολιασμένη σε υποκείμενο αγριελιάς. Το ελαιόδεντρο που αποτελεί σήμερα ιδιωτική ιδιοκτησία, έχει ανακηρυχθεί από τον Σύνδεσμο Ελαιοκομικών Δήμων Κρήτης (ΣΕΔΗΚ) ως...

Mountain Refuge of Kouroutes

Kouroutes is known to mountaineers and nature lovers for the refuge of Psiloritis, at Tumbotos Prinos location (1510 m.), which is accessible by a 13 km long dirt road, which starts from a well-marked and paved point in the village. From the refuge, the pan-European...

Prinodasos Peromouriko (Kalogerou)

It spreads over the northern foothills of Psiloritis and is located on the Amari- Asomaton School district road. It is a beautiful privet forest surrounded by mountains and very easily accessible. It is about a quarter of an hour by car from the settlement of...
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